
Three Options to choose from

  • Option 1

    • Entrance without a Bachelors degree while in BS Exercise Science with pre-PT concentration degree program. Designed for Andrews University students and affiliate partners who offer required pre-requisites.

  • Option 2

    • Entrance with a Bachelors degree.

  • Option 3

    • Entrance without a Bachelors degree while in BHS pre-physical therapy program. For affiliate partners, outside of Andrews University, who do not offer BS Exercise Science pre-requisites. This track is phasing out over the next 3-4 years. 


Option 1: 

Specifically designed for Andrews University pre-PT students in the '3+3' program. The Exercise Science with pre-PT concentration degree is new in 2021 and is a versatile degree, widely recognized in the industry. Students will sit for the Certified Personal Trainer exam and have the opportunity for internship prior to entering DPT school. Additionally, this degree path offers the student excellent preparation for the rigors of DPT school. Students complete 3 years of undergraduate work prior to entering the DPT program. Students who are transferring from other institutions and desire this degree path should work closely with our Pre-PT Advisor to ensure all pre-requisites are met. 

General Education Requirements:

Religion*: Three semester hour religion course per academic year of attendance at Andrews University. (Not required if transferring.)

Wellness*: One course (3 semester hours) includes lifetime approaches to wholistic wellbeing.


English - Two courses of English Composition (3 semester hours each) which include writing components.
Communication - One course (3 semester hours) covering human communication, one-to-one, small group, and public speaking.

History*: One course (3 semester hours) prefered course - HIST110 Worldviews, Cultures and Gods

Fine Arts/Humanities*: Two courses (6 semester hours total) at least one must be theory, one may be may applied for example- studio art, ensemble (one year), or applied music (private lessons do not apply).

Natural/Physical Sciences*:

Natural Science

A full sequence of Anatomy and Physiology with labs.
Upper division Exercise Physiology course with lab.
Upper division Kinesiology.
Upper division Human Anatomy.

Physical Science

A full sequence of General Physics with labs as required for pre-med students.
A full sequence of General Chemistry with labs as required for pre-med students.

Mathematics*: One course 3 semester hours) covering basic statistics or research methods.

Social Sciences*:

Psychology - One course (3 semester hours) covering introductory psychology.

Human Development: One course (3 semester hours) that covers human development throughout the lifespan.

Medical Terminology: One course in basic medical terminology. May be taken by distance learning.

* See Andrews Core Experience: Bachelor's Degrees in the Bulletin *

Each student must submit proof of satisfactory completion with a minimum grade of "C" from an accredited institution for each of the prerequisites courses. Do keep in mind when applying for DPT school, Andrews University requires a 3.4 minimum GPA and a 3.5 will make you more competitive in the applicant pool. Early Assurance (EA) students must meet the EA requirements to maintain EA standing. 

Option 2:

Designed for the applicant entering with a bachelor's degree completed

Natural/Physical Sciences:

Natural Science

A full sequence of Anatomy and Physiology with labs.
One course of the General Biology sequence required for pre-med students (not botany) with lab.
One 3-semester credit upper division human biology, human physiology, or exercise physiology course.

Physical Science

A full sequence of General Physics with labs as required for pre-med students.
A full sequence of General Chemistry with labs as required for pre-med students.

Mathematics: One course covering basic statistics or research methods.

Social Sciences:

Psychology - One course covering introductory psychology.

Human Development - One course that covers human development throughout the lifespan.

Medical Terminology: One course in basic medical terminology. May be taken by distance learning.
Each student must submit proof of satisfactory completion with a minimum grade of "C" from an accredited institution for each of the prerequisites courses. Do keep in mind when applying for DPT school, Andrews University requires a 3.4 minimum GPA and a 3.5 will make you more competitive in the applicant pool.

Option 3: 

The requirements include 92 semester credits with at least 15 credits being upper-division, 9 of which must be in one content area. Applicants who have completed requirements for a minor will have fulfilled this 9-credit requirement. Each student must submit proof of satisfactory completion with a minimum grade of "C" from an accredited institution for each of the prerequisites courses. Do keep in mind when applying for DPT school, Andrews University requires a 3.4 minimum GPA and a 3.5 will make you more competitive in the applicant pool.


General Education Requirements:


Religion*: One religion course per academic year of attendance at Andrews University. (Not required if transferring.)

Wellness*: One course (3 semester hours) includes lifetime approaches to wholistic wellbeing.


English - Two courses of English Composition which include writing components.
Communication - One course covering human communication, one-to-one, small group, and public speaking.

History*: One course such as introductory survey of world, US, or specific nation/country history course.

Fine Arts/Humanities*: Two courses  such as Art History or Appreciation, Music History or Appreciation, Literature History or Appreciation, 200-level or higher literature, Philosophy, Applied art (minimum of 3 credits), or Religious studies

Natural/Physical Sciences*:

Natural Science

A full sequence of Anatomy and Physiology with labs.
One course of the General Biology sequence required for pre-med students (not botany) with lab.
One 3-semester credit upper division human biology, human physiology, or exercise physiology course.

Physical Science

A full sequence of General Physics with labs as required for pre-med students.
A full sequence of General Chemistry with labs as required for pre-med students.

Mathematics*: One course covering basic statistics or research methods.

Social Sciences*:

Psychology - One course covering introductory psychology.

Fitness Education/Wellness*: One course in concepts of health/wellness.

Human Development: One course that covers human development throughout the lifespan.

Medical Terminology: One course in basic medical terminology. May be taken by distance learning.

Electives: To fulfill the 92 total semester credits with at least 15 in upper division courses required, some course suggestions include business course, ethics, cultural and diversity courses, arts and humanities, nutrition and physical activities.

* See Andrews Core Experience: Michigan Transfer Agreement in the Bulletin *


For admissions questions contact the Physical Therapy Admissions Director (269) 471-6490 or (800) 827-2878 or




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